Get and change the locale

Get and change the locale

You can only change the current locale from a Client Component. Export useChangeLocale and useCurrentLocale from createI18nClient, and export getCurrentLocale from createI18nServer:

// locales/client.ts
export const {
} = createI18nClient({
// locales/server.ts
export const {
} = createI18nServer({

Then use these hooks:

// Client Component
'use client'
import { useChangeLocale, useCurrentLocale } from '../../locales/client'
export default function Page() {
  const changeLocale = useChangeLocale()
  const locale = useCurrentLocale()
  return (
      <p>Current locale: {locale}</p>
      <button onClick={() => changeLocale('en')}>English</button>
      <button onClick={() => changeLocale('fr')}>French</button>
// Server Component
import { getCurrentLocale } from '../../locales/server'
export default function Page() {
  const locale = getCurrentLocale()
  return (
    <p>Current locale: {locale}</p>

If you have set a basePath (opens in a new tab) option inside next.config.js, you'll also need to set it inside createI18nClient:

// locales/client.ts
export const {
} = createI18nClient({
}, {
  basePath: '/base'